3 habits that can transform your life in 2023!

2023 has been a life-changing year for me. I have developed three habits that have significantly improved my quality of life. These habits have helped me become more productive, healthier, and happier. Here are the three habits that have elevated my way of living in 2023:

1. Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation

One of the most profound habits that one can adopt in life is mindfulness. I have been doing it for a long time and have seen a profound change in the way I treat myself and the challenges in my everyday life.

Mindfulness not only helped me to slow down and see things from a bigger perspective but also provided me with various methods to calm down my nerves in the most panicked of situations. and as I always say “Chilling while they expect you to be triggered is top-tier growth”.

Meditation has changed my life in ways I never thought possible. There were moments when I used to feel overwhelmed, not only with the thoughts in my head but also with the emotions. The only way I knew, as a part of my conditioning, was to avoid it happening. Every time I felt this way, I was distracting myself, but later I found myself deep inside such a vicious loop.

Just by meditating for 30 days via Headspace, I felt a deeper sense of calmness. Even in the hours of chaos, I was able to stay still and think more clearly, focusing on what I could control. As Seneca states in the Dichotomy of Control:

“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control and which have to do with the choices I actually control”.


Mindfulness and Meditation gave me this freedom to identify what’s in my control and what’s not, which gives me enough mental peace.

2. Prioritize Personal Growth and Opinion

Personal growth and opinion: I believe that when we say that we should put our own interests first, what we really mean is that we don’t care what other people think about what we should be doing or how we should conduct ourselves. It frequently occurs when we are overly concerned with the opinions of other people, when we intend to do something and take a vital step in our lives, we never make such decisions.

For instance, suppose we work in a job we don’t particularly enjoy but are unable to leave because of the good compensation we receive. You may occasionally hear someone claim that if you switch, you won’t get the same package you currently receive since you won’t be able to acquire it elsewhere, but we all know where our own personal progress rests. This employment has become stagnant, and in situations like these, we must change.

If we keep relying on other people’s opinions and other people’s choices we won’t be able to take the bold step for our personal growth.

The moment I realized the truth that our personal growth and opinions matter more than those of other people, this sorted out a lot of complications in my life since I stopped asking and started acting. Personal growth is linked to your opinion in this case. And every time you consider other people’s opinions, you are negotiating your own growth. And once you start relating these factors, you will see what’s at stake.

The moment I understood this, I got rid of all those toxic people I wasn’t seeing any growth around. I went on a solo trip without seeking anyone’s opinion or approval. I did what I thought could help me grow and prioritize my time around things which helps me grow as an independent person, and just this single step shook all the stagnating factors in my life.

3. Foster Healthy Relationships and Connections

We discuss relationships a lot. relationships with our spouse, parents, siblings, and friends. Nevertheless, we hardly ever give it much thought. I understand that our relationship with others is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves.

For instance, if I am insecure about something about myself, my relationships with other people will suffer as a result. I will never be able to build trusting relationships with others if I struggle with self-trust. I think relationships are more about us than they are about other people. It is impossible to love others if you have never learned to love yourself. How can you have compassion for your partner when they make errors if you have never had compassion for yourself when you have acted inappropriately?

I began creating a positive relationship with myself as soon as I became aware of this. And setting aside some time for isolation is the first step in accomplishing that (refer to these 8 steps from my blog). Making a good first impression on someone requires understanding their values and choices, accepting their shortcomings, and appreciating who they are. and for that, you must first understand your values, make informed decisions, accept your imperfections, and cherish who you are. The second stage is to acknowledge the fact that no one is flawless as a person and, as a result, to forgive yourself for all of your mistakes and flaws. Remove any emotional weight from your shoulders in order to develop self-compassion.

When you have a solid relationship with yourself, you can approach individuals without being hesitant or seeming artificial. And when you accomplish this, people value this about you and start trusting you.

And what do we actually need to maintain a healthy relationship with others and ourselves? – TRUST!


By embracing these three transformative habits – mindfulness and meditation, prioritizing personal growth, and fostering healthy relationships – you can set yourself on a path to an extraordinary life in 2023 and beyond. Remember, consistency is key. Incorporate these habits into your daily routine, and watch as your life undergoes a remarkable positive shift.

So, take a leap forward, embrace change, and unlock your full potential. Start implementing these habits today, and witness the incredible impact they can have on your personal and professional life.

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